What exactly is Nights of Naberus?

It’s that time again folks, head on over to the Necralisk and speak to Daughter to see what spooky treats are in store this year.

Nights of Naberus is an event that comes round once a year based around the Orokin festival of Death, The Orokin equivalent to Halloween running through till November 3rd.

What do I need to do?

Thankfully, there is no special currency or standing requirement to purchase anything in this event, all you need are Mother tokens, which can be farmed year round, and quite a few of them too.

To get Mother tokens, you want to run bounties offered by Mother in the Necralisk. You should also be aiming to complete all the bonus objectives as this will grant you both extra rewards and extra Mother tokens.

Personally, I don’t believe it really matters which bounties you run, so just run whichever offers drops that you also need. The endless bounty is a safe fallback option though.

Also, it’s a good idea to run in a full group, especially during event time. Chances are there’s a lot of players looking to farm away during Naberus that you can chill with. Many hands make light work as they say.

Alternatively, if you’re not solely focused on the Mother tokens, Isolation vaults are a good one to run. They can be farmed relatively easy and offer a lot of drops exclusive to Deimos along with a few Mother tokens.

Is there anything actually worth getting?


Daughter offers two weapon blueprints, originally available in Scarlet Spear, during Nights of Naberus: The Ceti Lacera and the Basmu. Both these blueprints cost 125 tokens each and are arguably the most important to get if you don’t already have them, because for one reason, they’re decent weapons, and two, gotta get those mastery points.

Also on offer are a couple of spooky ephemeras, some okay looking glyphs, a Sigil, some Day of the dead themed skins, Orbiter decorations and a colour palette.

These items also never expire and will stay with you after the event ends, so no need to worry there.

There is, however, one item that will disappear when the event ends. The Dullahan Mask.

It’s a big ol’ light up pumpkin head you can buy in the market for 1 credit and place in the helmet slot on your Warframes, because why not.

All in all, be sure to grab what you need because Naberus won’t be around again until next year.