Warframe – Who is Frost, and how do I get him?

Who is Frost?

Frost is a Warframe, that as the name implies, commands the powers of ice and cold.

He’s an impressive frame with abilities that cover a wide range of situations, including offense, defense and crowd control. His 3rd ability, Snow Globe, is great for Defenses and Excavations. Simply press 3 on an objective and a frost bubble will be spawned that enemies cant shoot through. His Ultimate, Avalanche can also be used to strip enemies armor, great for assisting wave clear in defenses.

How do I get Frost?

To be able to build the Frost Warframe, there’s a couple of things you’ll need.

For starters, to get his Blueprint, you’ll need to purchase it from the market. To do this, make sure you’re in your orbiter. Then, just behind the navigation console, is the market desk. Open this and just search for frost. From there you can spend credits to buy Frost Blueprint. However, do be wary, because there will also be an option to buy Frost with Platinum, Warframe’s Premium currency. This will buy the entire frame prebuilt with a Warframe slot. It’s not an efficient use of Platinum, but if your time is limited, then its still a perfectly valid usage.

After purchasing the Blueprint, you’ll now need to farm for the rest of the Warframe pieces.

To do this, head over to Ceres, then choose Exta, the assassinate mission. Here you’ll have to kill two bosses, Lieutenant Kril and Captain Vor.

After killing these two, extract from the mission and you will have received a part for Frost.

There are 3 parts you need in total, plus the main blueprint, to be able to build frost.

These parts are:

  • Frost Chassis Blueprint
  • Frost Neuroptics Blueprint
  • Frost Systems blueprint

Every time you complete the mission and successfully extract, you will receive one of these parts with a specific chance.

Frost Chassis and Neuroptics have a 38.72% chance per run and Frost Systems has a 22.56% chance per run to drop.

This means you’ll have to do multiple runs and may get duplicates of pieces you already had.

Eventually, you will get every piece you need, this will be a glorious day.

How do I build Frost?

After successfully getting every piece, you’re well on the way to finally building our frosty boi.

If you head to your foundry and search for Frost, you’ll see every piece you have in your inventory and will be able to build the individual pieces for the Chassis, Neuroptics and Systems.

To do this you’ll need some resources:

Once you have all these, you’ll be able to build the three pieces. This will have a 12 hour build time that honestly isn’t worth spending plat to rush.

When this 12 hours is up, collect the three pieces and you should now be able to start building Frost. This will take 72 hours and will require an empty Warframe slot before you can claim him. Warframe slots can only be bought for Platinum so if you still have starter plat, this is a very good use.