Updated Mar 2024 (Prime resurgence rotation)
So, you’ve just seen a Volt Prime trivialise your defense mission, maybe you’ve just seen Nekros Prime and wondered where all that sweet loot came from. Now you’re wondering how you can even get these frames. Below you’ll find a list of every Warframe in the game and if they have a prime version, if you can actually farm them right now. Simply have a browse down below or just Ctrl-F and type in the desired warframe 🙂
Unvaulted Frames
Baruuk Prime: Unvaulted
Gara Prime: Unvaulted (Prime Resurgence)
Gauss Prime: Unvaulted
Grendel Prime: Unvaulted
Hildryn Prime: Unvaulted
Khora Prime: Unvaulted
Nyx Prime: Unvaulted (See special frames section below for farming locations)
Revenant Prime: Unvaulted
Titania Prime: Unvaulted (Prime resurgence)
Valkyr Prime: Unvaulted (See special frames section below for locations)
Wisp Prime: Unvaulted
Vaulted Frames
Ash Prime: Vaulted
Atlas Prime: Vaulted
Banshee Prime: Vaulted
Chroma Prime: Vaulted
Ember Prime: Vaulted
Equinox Prime: Vaulted
Frost Prime: Vaulted
Garuda Prime: Vaulted
Harrow Prime: Vaulted
Hydroid Prime: Vaulted
Inaros Prime: Vaulted
Ivara Prime: Vaulted
Limbo Prime: Vaulted
Loki Prime: Vaulted
Mag Prime: Vaulted
Mesa Prime: Vaulted
Mirage Prime: Vaulted
Nekros Prime: Vaulted
Nezha Prime: Vaulted
Nidus Prime: Vaulted
Nova Prime: Vaulted
Oberon Prime: Vaulted
Octavia Prime: Vaulted
Rhino Prime: Vaulted
Saryn Prime: Vaulted
Trinity Prime: Vaulted
Vauban Prime: Vaulted
Volt Prime: Vaulted
Wukong Prime: Vaulted
Zephyr Prime: Vaulted
Special Frames
Excalibur Prime: Currently, there is no way to get Excal prime. He is exclusive to people who purchased the founders pack of the game back in 2013 and it’s unlikely Digital Extremes will release him again.
Nyx Prime: Fortunately it is possible to get Nyx Prime although if you don’t like Railjack you won’t be a fan of this. All Nyx relics can be obtained in Abandoned Derelict Caches in Railjack missions against Corpus enemies. Nyx Prime can also cycle round in Prime Resurgence now.
Valkyr Prime: Similar to Nyx above, Valkyr Prime is also only obtainable in Abandoned Derelict Caches.
At the minute, DE have no intention of vaulting Valkyr or Nyx so there relics will always be available to get as a reward in these missions.
Warframes with no current prime version
- Caliban
- Citrine
- Dagath
- Dante
- Gyre
- Kullervo
- Lavos
- Protea
- Qorvex
- Sevagoth
- Styanax
- Voruna
- Yareli
- Xaku