Warframe – How to get prime Warframes

So, you’re zooming round the star chart with your favourite Rhino Warframe build, thinking you can’t possibly get any stronger, you just look at enemies and they die, what could be better?

Well, let me introduce you to Prime Warframes.

Prime Warframes are essentially an upgraded version of the base Warframes you’ve been farming for, with slightly raised base stats and usually different polarities in the mod slots.

What does this mean?

It means you spend less time formaing your new frame and can make it even stronger, opening up new builds and playstyles.

How do I get prime Warframes?

Similar to regular Warframes, you’ll need to farm each piece of the frame separately. The Chassis, System, Neuroptics, and Blueprint. This time however, you can’t buy the blueprint from the market, it needs farming for too.

To be able to get these parts, you’ll need these weird egg like things called Void relics.

So, what are void relics?

Well, void relics are like a little mystery box, except not so mysterious. Each relic, when opened has a chance to drop one of the six parts it holds, to see which parts it holds, you can go to the relic stand in your orbiter, near the arsenal. Simply open this and click on any relics that take your fancy, or you can use the search function to look for specific parts.

After clicking on a relic, you should be able to see every part it might drop and whether they’re common, uncommon or rare, for bronze, silver, and gold respectively.

An interesting thing you can also do in this screen is hover over a relic and press tab.

This shows you all the nodes that have a chance of dropping that relic, so you know where to farm it. However, if the relic has been vaulted, a message saying so will displayed instead

This is the bad boy

This is the relic screen. Here you can see relics you own, where to get them, what they drop and options to refine them for a chance at rarer loot

So now you understand what relics are, we can move into the good stuff.

How do I actually get Prime Warframes?

I use two methods for getting Prime Warframe parts. I call them the Shotgun approach and the Sniper approach.

Whats the shotgun approach?

The shotgun approach is just playing the game normally, running through missions and building up a stash of all different void relics, not even worrying about what you’ve got at this point.

Eventually, you’ll reach a point where you’ll see all your relics and wonder how on Earth you got so many. This is good. This means you can focus on opening relics now by running void fissure missions.

For this method, I’d suggest refining relics when your void traces storage is nearly full, to minimise wasted traces.

The upside to this method is that by the time you have all the pieces you’re after, you’ll also have a ton of pieces for other Warframes and weapons, so you can build them all and blast through those Mastery ranks.

The downside to this method is though that it may take a LONG time to get the right pieces if you’re after something specific. This is where the sniper approach comes in.

Personally though, I prefer this approach. It feels like a lot less of a grind when I don’t have to care about what relics a mission drops and get frustrated when the one I want never seems to actually drop. Its also a great feeling to look in your foundry and see 12+ items all ready to be built and just being able to build them all at once.

Whats the sniper approach?

This is essentially the opposite of the shotgun approach.

With this method, you’ll want to go a site like tenno.zone and use the planner there by typing in the Warframe that you’re after.

Then it’ll show you everything you need to know, what parts you need, what relics you need, if you should refine them and even the best places to farm each relic.

After you’ve got this info, you’re gonna run just these missions until you build up a comfortable amount of the necessary relics.

Then simply refine as needed and start running void fissures to crack those relics open.

This is a much quicker approach than the shotgun if you’re after a specific Warframe but it can be more frustrating being so heavily at the mercy of RNG.

So what now?

Thats essentially it, the important thing is to keep running void fissures and keep cracking relics open. Now i would highly suggest running in public lobbies or with friends to make a full squad. This means at the end of a fissure mission, you can choose a reward out of all the players relics that got opened during that run. This makes the grind a lot more bearable having four shots per run to get some decent loot as opposed to one per run.

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