Ultimate Warframe relic farming guide (Lith, Meso, Neo, Axi)

What are void relics?

Void relics are the main way to get prime weapons, prime warframes and Forma’s. All of these are crucial to building your account and levelling your mastery rank. Every so often the relics you can get change, this is decided by the “Vault” when new primes come out, older ones go into the vault, this keeps the drop tables fresh and stops them being too heavily diluted by relics you’ve already got a stack of.

Warframe throws relics at players to be honest, but there are still some things everyone should know to be able to farm as efficiently as possible. Read on to find out the best locations and missions to farm each relic.

Lith Relics

The first relics you’ll come across. Lith relics are widely regarded as the easiest relics to farm due to their wide availability in lower levelled missions.

If you need lots of Lith relics in a hurry, Hepit, Void is always a good choice. A capture mission you can safely complete in 90 secs, with practice you can even get down to 45-60 secs per run. Every run you complete has a ~93% chance of rewarding a Lith relic – the other 7% being Aya, courtesy of prime resurgence.

Taranis is also another good mission for farming Lith relics. Taranis is another void mission, this time a Defense. Defense missions are endless so you can stay in the mission as long as you want, getting rewards every 5 waves until you extract.

Keeping in the vein of endless missions, Olympus, Mars is a disruption mission that guarantees a Lith relic for every A and B rotation. Simply stay in the mission as long as possible and extract when you start to struggle.

Meso Relics

Meso relics are usually found in missions on the mid range planets like Saturn, Mars and Jupiter

The best places to farm Meso relics are Io (Jupiter), Helene (Saturn), Ukko (Void) and Olympus (Mars)

Like Taranis above, Io is a defense mission, so you can stack relics for a good while before having to extract. Io is also a great place to farm Oxium so you can farm that at the same time if needed.

Helene is another good defense mission for getting Meso relics, but also doubles as a good Orokin cell farm and affinity farm.

Ukko is a capture mission, similar to Hepit above, that you can complete in sub 60 seconds and is a guaranteed Meso/Neo relic or Aya.

Similar to the Lith farm above, Olympus, Mars is also a great place to farm Meso relics as well. This is because every C rotation is a guaranteed Meso relic, and is incredibly useful if you need Lith relics as well as Meso relics.

Neo Relics

If you’re anything like me, you’ll already have more Neo relics than you could ever use from spending far too many hours sat mastery farming in Hydron. If this isn’t you though, read on.

If you want lots of Neo relics quick time, Ukko is a great mission to farm. Can be completed in 60 seconds and offers a guranteed Meso/Neo relic or Aya for every successful extract.

If you’d prefer an endless mission, Ur, Uranus disruption is a really popular spot for relic farming as you’re guaranteed a Neo relic for every B rotation and a 95% chance every C rotation. To maximise efficiency, complete as many waves as possible and after round 4, every round you complete will be a guaranteed B or C rotation, depending on how many conduits you were able to defend. This means we can get a Neo relic virtually every round.

Another good place to farm Neo relics is Hydron, Sedna. A defense mission that also doubles up as a good affinity farm. You will usually always be able to find pub lobbies in Hydron, stay for 10 waves then extract. giving you a 2 chances for a Neo relic per run, and gives you good opportunity to rank up some weapons or Warframes you haven’t yet.

Axi Relics

Some of the hardest relics to farm for early game due to most Axi relics only being found in higher levelled content later in the star chart.

However, one of the best places to farm Axi relics is Lua, Apollo. Another disruption mission that offers a guaranteed Axi for every B rotation and a ~90% chance for an Axi relic every C rotation.

If you’re slightly more old school, you’ll remember Xini. This is an interception widely regarded as the best for farming axi’s many moons ago. It still is a valid choice for quickly farming Axi’s but is outclassed by a competent team running Apollo. Xini offers a 100% chance for an axi on every rotation B & C. Following the standard AABC rotations, that means half of your relics are guaranteed to be axis.

Other methods

Syndicate Standing

Yes, that syndicate standing that you always forget to farm for, you can turn that in for a relic pack. Every syndicate offers a 3 relic pack for 20k standing, this is a great way to quickly bump up your relic numbers, especially when new relics are released this can get you a good stack of those shiny new relics quickly.


In all the open world maps (Fortuna, Cetus, Deimos) you can collect bounty missions to run, each of these missions offer a chance at rewards you can see before selecting the mission. These rewards include certain relics, with higher level bounties offering higher tier relics. Every completed stage in a bounty gains a reward, with the chance for a bonus reward if you complete all the bonus objectives, meaning there’s a high likelihood of getting something you want to drop. I just hate bounties.