How to join a clan in Warframe

So you’ve racked up a few hours, maybe cleared a few planets and you’ve seen in chat some things you want, that Volt, maybe that Zephyr and you found out you need to be in a clan to pick them up, just how do you go about joining a clan though?

Firstly, you have to find a clan you actually want to join. This can be done through the recruiting chat in game, on the forums, through Reddit or through Discord. If however, you dont care and just want to join a clan for all the gear, the quickest way would be to hang out in recruiting chat and DM any players advertising their clan, a lot of the clans advertised this way are new player friendly and would be happy to invite you.

Alternatively, you could post in the recruiting chat, a message like “LF all research clan” and wait for someone to invite you.

After you’ve found a clan to join and received an invite, open up the pause menu and you might see a popup box at the bottom asking you to accept or reject the invite, simply accept this and away you go.

However, Warframe can be buggy at times, so if you’ve been invited to join a clan and don’t see this pop up, head over to the communication tab in the pause menu, then click inbox and you should have an invite message there you can accept or reject.

Congratulations, you’ve joined a clan!

This isn’t quite it though. To be able to actually use any of the clan research you have to have access to the Clan Dojo and for this, you need to build the Clan key in your foundry.

Good news though, now you’ve accepted a clan invite, the game automatically gave you a blueprint for a clan key so you can build it right away.

Bad news though, it takes 12 hours to fully build, so you want to get that started as soon as possible.

After this 12 hours, head back to the foundry and claim your clan key. Now you can enter the Clan dojo from your navigation menu in the orbiter and have an explore. From here you can purchase a whole host of blueprints and equipment to speed up that mastery rank grind.

How to Contribute to a clan in Warframe

So you’ve joined a clan and you’ve just found out they require members to contribute items or risk being kicked out. Dont worry, the process is quite simple.

After building your clan key, you can enter the Dojo. In the Dojo there will be a clan vault you can interact with. Most Clans put this near the entrance to the Dojo. Simply find it and interact with it to bring up a screen with multiple options.

The option we want is called “Donate resources to clan” or “Donate decorations to clan”. The former option allows to to select various resources in your inventory to donate. The resources you can donate to a clan include things like Salvage, Ferrite and Credits. The latter option allows you to donate various decorations to the clan, things like, floofs, ayatan sculptures and displays.

Then its just a case of selecting what you want to donate, and the amount, and donating it. It’s a good idea here to know if the clan has any special requests for things to donate. For example, some clans state what resources you need to donate, while others just state you need to donate X different types of resource. Don’t worry though, they usually dont require a lot, its really just an etiquette thing.

To see everything you’ve donated to the clan you’re currently in, open the pause menu, head to the Communications tab – then Clan and then right click on your name and select view donations.

How to invite someone to your Dojo in Warframe

If you want to trade items with other players, one of you will need a Dojo with a trading station. This is because eventually, if you trade frequently enough and are not in a clan, you’ll run into someone else who isn’t in a clan and that will be a right pickle. Or maybe you just want to show a friend your sick dojo builds.

To invite someone into your Dojo, head into it yourself. Next, simply open a chat window with the player you want to invite. Chances are you already have one open. If not, type “/w USERNAME i’ll inv” where USERNAME is just the ign of the player and send it.

From there, right click on their name in the chat window and click, “Invite to Dojo”

They will then need to enter the pause menu to accept the invite. After accepting, they should automatically spawn in your Dojo, congratulations.

What to look for in a clan

There are a few different reasons to join a clan, all of them valid. But each reason may impact your decision on which clan to join.

For example, do you need a clan that has the Ignis Wraith blueprint unlocked? If so, this limits suitable clans for you by quite a large amount.

Maybe you are looking or a cooperative clan that frequently run missions and events together.

Or perhaps you’re just looking for a beginner friendly clan that will be happy to help with your questions.

You should consider what you want to get out of a clan before you join it to save yourself time and heartache, and to make your gameplay experience as fun as possible.


Can I Join multiple Clans in Warframe?

No, quite simply. You can only ever be in one clan at a time, although this clan can be in an alliance with other clans so you can still chat with and coordinate with members of other clans if you’re part of the same alliance, but to join another clan, you have to leave any current clan first.

How do I accept a clan invite?

So you’ve found the perfect clan? To join this clan, simply open up the pause menu (ESC on PC) and you should see a popup box at the bottom of the screen. This box will have options to accept or reject the clan invite.

If however, this popup doesnt appear (Happens more often than you’d think) while still in the pause menu, click on “Communications” –> Then “Inbox” and you should see the invite in there you can accept.

Where is my Clan Dojo?

After building and accepting the clan key, while in your Orbiter, go to the navigation panel (The one at the front of the ship in front of the big window) and open it up, the Dojo should be near the bottom left corner. It’ll be labelled Dojo anyway, click this and you should see some nodes, click on the node in the middle that should be named after your clan. This will take you to the Clan Dojo.
