How to get your own Rhino Prime

From Feb 15th Rhino Prime has re-entered the vault, we do not yet know when he will next come out, for now though, this article is irrelevant and will be updated when we know more.

What – or who – is Rhino Prime?

If you like playing Rhino, you’ll know he can come in quite the clutch at times, well, good news, Rhino Prime is essentially a better, more golden looking Rhino.

Rhino prime is quite simply the primed version of the base Warframe, Rhino.

This means he uses all the same skills with slightly higher base stats such as Armor and different base polarities for modding. In this case, he features a higher base armor and an extra Naramon – or dash – polarity.

How do I get the Chonky boi then?

Well, bad news, on Feb 15th, Rhino Prime was put back in the vault. For those of you that might not be aware, this means you can no longer get his relics by completing missions or as rewards for anything. You can however, still purchase these relics from other players.

To break this down:

To get Rhino Prime neuroptics, you need the Lith B4. Hepit is a great void capture mission for speedrunning both Lith and Meso relics as you can comfortably be in and out, including loading, in under 3 minutes per run.

To get Rhino Prime chassis, you’ll need some Meso N6 relics. Now, you can either run Ukko captures if you feel like zooming, similar to Hepit above. Or run some Belenus defense. I like Belenus because although it’s a lower chance per relic, at rotation C, there is a chance for Axi relics too and I find defenses a lot easier to zone out in with a DPS frame.

To get his Blueprint, you’ll need some Neo R1’s. To grab some of these bad boys, I’d recommend running either Ukko or Belenus, like the above Meso N6, or Mot survival. Mot has the added benefit of only dropping Neo relics for A and B rotations and only Axi’s for rotation C, meaning you get a higher chance per drop for the relics we’re after. For me personally though, I’m not a fan of survivals so I’d mix in some Belenus runs to space out the Mot runs.

Finally, to get the Rhino Prime systems, you’re gonna need some Axi S3’s. Now, it is possible to run Belenus again here, but there is only a 2.82% chance of getting an S3, and that’s only on rotation C too, so waves 20, 40, etc. Otherwise you can run some Mot survivals like above.

Another method is to grab relics from opening relic packs from the syndicates or by exchanging steel essence for relic packs. Although, with this method, the relics you get are random.

Bounties in Fortuna, Deimos and the Plains of Eidolon are also a viable method and can yield the relics you want although they are on rotation in bounties so there may not be any in the rewards table when you go to run them. They will however, cycle back around in the next rotations. Unfortunately though, simply obtaining the relics is only half the battle. You still need to run missions to open it and hope RNGesus blesses you with the parts you need. To do this simply find a fissure mission that opens the relic type you want (Lith, Meso etc) and start cracking, even better if you can find other players cracking the same relics for the same parts. Even better again if you can crack relics while running the missions that drop those relics.


As far as necessary materials go, I don’t see there being any major roadblocks for Rhino prime. By the time you’ve got all his pieces there should be an ample supply of resources.

Plastids could potentially be an issue, but in a pinch, I would recommend Saturn, Piscinas or Eris, Zabala if you’ve got the build. Both these missions are dark sector missions fighting against the infested and offer a 20% and 30% resource drop chance bonus respectively.

Orokin cells shouldnt be an issue, in total you’ll need 3 which you should get naturally by this stage. If however, you’re an unlucky soul, here’s a few pointers to snag some Orokin cells.

Now what?

After you’ve got everything, its time to actually start building. You can do this from the foundry in your orbiter. Although its important to note that each separate part takes 12 hours to craft (These can all be done at once though) when they’re all done, the actual frame takes 72 hours to fully build. Of course, you can rush all this with Platinum but there is really no need.

After the painstaking 72 hours, the graceful Rhino Prime will be finished, now go level him 😊

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