How to get Mirage Prime in Warframe.

What is Mirage Prime?

An improved version of Mirage. Mirage Prime has higher Armor and shields than its base counterpart. It also features and extra Vazarin and Naramon polarity for free in the mod slots. Her augment “Explosive Legerdemain” is very good at nuking maps for things like Defense and Sanctuary Onslaught.

How do I get Mirage Prime?

To be able to build Mirage Prime, you’ll need to do a few things.

Firstly, like with any prime Warframes, you need to find different relics that hold her various parts.

Unfortunately, Mirage Prime has been put back in the vault. It is no longer possible to get her relics as a reward in missions. It is still possible to trade these relics with other players though. The below article is now therefore outdated and will be refreshed when she comes back out of the vault.

For now though, the relics you want are:

Mirage Prime Chassis:

  • Axi A12
  • Lith K5

Mirage Prime Blueprint:

  • Lith M7

Mirage Prime Systems:

  • Axi H5

Mirage Prime Neuroptics:

  • Meso E5
  • Neo B6

So, now you know what relics we can grab, on to the next step.

How do I get these relics?

This is where it gets a bit more open. There are a couple of ways to farm each relic, depending on what you’d rather do.

Lith M7 and Lith K5:

For starters, the only mission you can actually get both these relics in is Taranis, a defense mission in the void. The good thing is though, Taranis has a chance to drop either of these relics in every rewards cycle (A, B and C). However, there is a 12.5% chance per relic for either one of our relics to drop in the A rotation (Waves 5 and 10). A 9.7% chance in the B rotation (Wave 15). And a 6.25% chance in the C rotation (Wave 20) so if you’re only interested in either of these relics, extracting every 10 waves will probably be best for you.

Alternatively, if defense isn’t your thing, you can run bounties instead. Any of the lower levelled bounties in Cetus, Fortuna and Deimos can offer the relics you need. However, they may not be in rotation when you come to look for them. If this is the case unfortunately you’ll have to wait until the rewards cycle round. To see this, look at the timer at the top of the bounty selection screen.

As for which area has the best bounties for the Lith M7 and K5, I’d say it’s personal preference. For example, I despise bounties with a passion so I’d rather sit on a cactus than actually do bounties. But, because sadly that isn’t an option and I still kinda need bonds, I end up running Fortuna bounties.

If you only need one of these relics though, there are a couple other options.

The Lith M7 has a 12.5% chance to drop after completing the exterminate at Teshub. Or, the more popular option is Hepit, a void capture mission that you comfortably complete in around 60-90 seconds every time. Hepit also has a 12.5% chance per run to drop this relic.

The Lith K5 can also be found in a couple of its own missions. The first being a 6.25% chance per run of Tiwaz, the mobile defense. Another option being Stribog, a quick void sabotage mission yielding another 6.25% and the survival mission, Ani, which has a 9.68% chance on every A rotation.

Meso E5

In my opinion, the best place to grab these relics is in Ukko, Void capture mission. Its quick and easy to complete, can be ran as much as you want and has a chance to drop the Neo B6 as well. Two for the price of one.

If capture doesn’t tickle your pickle though, there are alternatives. Both the void defense missions, Taranis and Belenus have a chance to drop the E5, the only difference between them being enemy level and what other drops we’re after.

For example, Taranis offers both the Meso E5 and the two Lith relics. Whereas, the higher levelled mission, Belenus, can drop the E5 and the Neo B6, like Ukko above. Making them a great choice if you need multiple types of relics.

Alternatively, you can get the Meso E5 from bounties in Deimos, Plains of Eidolon and Orb Vallis. Just keep an eye out for it to cycle into rotation and replay as many times as you want.

Neo B6

Similar to the Meso relic above, the quickest place to farm for the B6 is the void capture, Ukko.

The B6 is also featured in the reward tables for Belenus in all 3 rotations, Mithra Interception in the A and B rotations, and Marduk, Aten and Oxomoco in the A rotation

Of course there’s also bounties in Fortuna, Cetus and Cambion drift, just keep an eye on when the rewards cycle and it might pop up.

Axi H5

Sadly, there’s no quick and grindable capture mission for Axi relics in the Void. There is however, other options.

The Void Interception, Mithra can drop this relic as a reward on the 4th round with a 12.5% chance.

Mot can also drop the H5 on rotation C, so the 20 minute reward, if a Surival is what you’re after. Mot also has a 12.5% drop chance.

Once again, bounties are available, in all three locations (Cetus, Fortuna & Deimos) For the H5, you’ll need to run the higher levelled bounties when this relic turns up in the rotation. Steel path bounties are also an option.

Axi A12

There is however a semi quick place to farm the Axi A12. The Void sabotage, Marduk can be completed relatively quickly and is a fairly straightforward mission to run, offering a 6.25% drop chance.

Alternatively, Aten has a 6.25% chance to drop this relic at completion, and Belenus has a much lower 2.82% chance every C rotation.

And shocker, you can also run bounties. Like the Axi H5 above, look for the higher levelled bounties and wait for the relic to cycle into rotation.

So, what next?

After you’ve grabbed some relics, opened them, and got the parts you need, you can start building Mirage Prime.

To do this, you’ll need some materials:

Mirage Prime neuroptics:

Mirage Prime Chassis:

  • 15k Credits
  • 26k Alloy Plates
  • 350 Oxium
  • 20 Morphics
  • 2 Nitain Extract

Mirage Prime Systems:

Mirage Prime Blueprint:

  • 25k Credits
  • 1 completed Mirage Prime Neuroptics
  • 1 completed Mirage Prime Chassis
  • 1 completed Mirage Prime Systems
  • 5 Orokin Cells


Once you have the materials for one part, you can build that part straightaway, no need to wait for materials for all the parts. Every piece takes 12 hours to craft, and there’s no crafting limit so you can craft as many things as you want.

After building all the separate pieces, you’ll be able to build the actual Warframe. You can do this by looking for the Mirage Prime Blueprint in the foundry, if you’ve built every piece you need, it should light up.

Crafting the actual Warframe takes 72 hours and when done, will require a free Warframe slot in your Arsenal to be able to claim it. If you don’t have a free slot, you can either get rid of a Warframe you’ve already built, or buy another slot for 20 plat.

When this 72 hours is up, that’s it. Enjoy your new Mirage Prime.

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