How to get the Mag Warframe – The magnetic terror

So, when you picked your starter Warframe, you decided Mag wasn’t for you. Well, don’t you worry, you can pick up all the starter frames just by playing. Here we’ll go through how get your own Mag Warframe.

How to get Mag – The Mag farm:

To be able to begin, you’ll want to have access to the planet Phobos and within it, the node called Illiad. This is an Assassination mission where you’ll have to kill a Corpus baddie known as the Sergeant, the Tenno’s favourite punching bag. Then you’ll have to kill him again, and again, you get the picture.

Every time you successfully kill The Sergeant and extract, you’ll receive a random Mag warframe piece that you’ll need to build our magnetic friend.

As it stands, the drop rates are:

  • Mag neuroptics blueprint – 38.72%
  • Mag chassis blueprint – 38.72%
  • Mag systems blueprint – 22.56%

Keep running this mission until you have all these parts. Then you can go ahead and start building them in the foundry, at this point in the game you should have enough materials will probably get hit with the credit cost as the biggest barrier to building Mag.

Each of these pieces will take 12 hours to build and fortunately, you can build multiple pieces at the same time.

After these are built, or while they’re building, you can pop over to the market and buy the Mag warframe blueprint for credits.

Once you’ve done all this, you can start the long Mag build. 72Hrs to be precise, an eternity it feels like.

What resources will I need?

The biggest hurdle for a newer player i feel would be the 95,000 needed credits. Breaking down into 25k to purchase the bluprint, 25k to build the blueprint and 15k to build each of the other components.

The other hurdle at this point could be the 1 Orokin Cell you’ll need, especially if you’ve been unlucky with your loot drops. If you are short an Orokin cell, check out our guide to hopefully grab one quick time.

You’ll also need:

  • 1k Ferrite
  • 800 Rubedo
  • 500 Salvage
  • 220 Plastids
  • 150 Polymer bundles
  • 150 Alloy plates
  • 2 Morphics
  • 1 Neural Sensor
  • 1 Control Module

None of these should be a major issue at this point, however if you are short a resource, you can run some missions on the planets that drop them.

Mag Warframe ability breakdown:


“When bullet jumping, Mag pulls drops towards her.”

Not a game changing passive for me, not bad either though. Works like a lower range vacuum every time you bullet jump. For me it only becomes relevant if I really don’t want to run vacuum or fetch in a companion or if a companion dies

Ability 1 – Pull:

Activating Mag’s 1st ability will yoink enemies in a 90 degree cone in front of you and at a max range of 25m towards you rather vigorously. Also deals up to 300 magnetic damage. Enemies that die to the pull have up to a 25% increased chance to drop an energy orb. All in all, a quirky ability.

Ability 2 – Magnetize:

Now this is an interesting ability that does slightly different things depending on if you held the key or just tapped the key.

If you tap the ability key while aiming at a target, they will be surrounded by a magnetic field that holds them in place while dealing magnetic damage every half a second.

Not only that but all bullets and projectiles shot at the magnetize bubble will be redirected towards the enemy in the centre and will, at max rank, increase all damage received by 2x. This even includes shots fired from enemies in the bubble.

If you hold the ability key for a short time, Mag will cast the same magnetic around herself. This time though it will deal 300 initial blast damage. This will increase by 25 for every second you hold that ability key down and will also absorb any projectiles or bullets it catches, multiplies their damage maximum 2x base and stores it.

Then when the bubble expires or the ability is recast, all the damage stored will be released in an 80 degree cone in front of her and up to 15 metres.

Unfortunately though, while Mag is all bubbled up, she can’t roll, crouch, or double jump.

Ability 3 – Polarize:

Casting Mag’s 3rd ability will release a magnetic ring from Mag herself that expands outwards over 5 seconds at max rank. If it hits any enemies with shields, it’ll deal 400 damage to that shield.

If the enemies have armour, it’ll reduce their armour by 400 and deal 400 true damage instead.

Any allies that get hit by Polarize will have up to 400 shield restored.

As it stands, ability strength will affect the amount of damage and healing being hit by the ring will cause. The range will affect the maximum distance the ring can travel, and the amount of time the ring can stay active can be changed with ability duration.

Ability 4 – Crush:

Mag’s 4 is a powerful ability that, when activated will suspend every enemy within a maximum of 18 metres and crush their bodies, dealing 1500 magnetic damage, and enemies in a magnetize bubble will take more damage.

Any allies in range will have their shields replenished by 40 on cast, and an extra 25 for every hit.

An interesting part of this ability is that any enemy that enters range while Mag’s Crush is still active will take damage as well, relative to how long the ability has until expiry.