How to farm Khora prime in Warframe

Released alongside her signature weapon, Dual Keres Prime, Khora Prime is a long awaitied frame for many people. Unlike her non primed counterpart, farming Khora prime should be a relatively familiar experience if you’ve farmed any other prime Warframes. In some unlucky people’s cases, its probably easier to get Khora prime than standard Khora because you don’t have to sit in Sanctuary Onslaught missions all day at the mercy of RNGesus.

Who is Khora Prime?

Khora prime is the long awaited prime version of Khora, the whippy lass, and is an improvement on base Khora in many ways.

Firstly, Khora prime boasts a hefty base 325 armor, in comparison to Khora’s still respectable 275.

Khora Prime also features slightly higher base energy (225 at max rank vs 187)

Compared to Khora, Khora Prime has an extra preinstalled polarity (a Madurai, Vazarin & Naramon vs Khora’s Madurai & Naramon)

Venari Prime, like Venari, but better

Venari Prime

Features a Higher base armor than Venari (450 vs 350)

Higher Health (1050 at max rank vs Venari’s 900)

Venari prime deals higher damage (55 Slash vs 40)

Both Venari Prime and Venari have the same preinstalled mod polarities

How do I get Khora Prime?

Like most prime Weapons and Warframes, to get Khora prime you’ll need to farm up relics that drop her pieces, then go into void fissure missions to open these relics. On completion, each mission will open one relic of your choice and might drop the parts we’re after.

What relics do I need and where do I get them?

Khora Prime Chassis blueprint:

Neo N21
Being a Neo relic, The old favourite Xini on Eris is still a perfectly viable and efficient choice to farm the Neo N21. Dropping in the A rotation with a 10% chance makes for quick runs where you can do two waves, extract, and go in again.

Alternatively, Mithra, Void is another great choice, especially if you want to do slightly longer missions. Mithra has a 9% and 12.5% chance to drop this relic on both the A and B rotations respectively. So following the standard AABC formula, you have an opportunity for this to drop in the first three waves. After these three, extract, and run the mission again.

If you’d prefer much quicker missions, Neo N21’s can also drop in Ukko, Void. One of the best missions for speedrunning relic farms, Ukko has a ~6.5% chance to drop the N21 after and can be completed in ~1 minute per run.

Khora Prime Systems:

Lith H7
Being a Lith relic, this is a much more beginner friendly relic to farm and is found in a lot more lower levelled missions. Unfortunately though, this is offset by the piece we need being a rare drop, meaning we will probably need more Lith K9’s to have a better chance at eventually getting the Blueprint to drop… Or just get lucky and get it first time, easy really.

The important thing to note is that basically any mission on Venus, Mercury, Earth, and some lower levelled void missions, have a chance to drop this relic. With that in mind, feel free to look for whatever else you need to farm for in those areas and go do that.

Need Cryotic? Earth, Everest, the excavation mission will sort you out and has a 7.69% & 11.06% chance to drop the H7 from B & C rotations respectively.

Want to go quick? Hepit, Void is the little brother of Ukko with weaker enemies. The relic we want has a 13.3% chance to drop per run and runs can done in ~1 minute offering great a time/reward payout.

Alternatively, if you want to just sit in a mission and not worry, Taranis, Void is a defense mission that has a chance to reward the Lith H7 in every rotation. (13.3%, 11% & ~6.5% for A, B & C rotations respectively) although, being a defense, its not usually the most time efficient farming method.

Khora Prime Neuroptics

Neo K5
Exactly the same as the N21 above, Xini, Mithra, and Ukko are great places to get this relic.

Khora Prime Blueprint

Meso K4
If you need lots of this relic, the farming steps are awfully similar to the Neo relic above, with some slight changes.

This is where you can have a look at what other items you want to build and start farming materials for them as well. For example, Do you need Hexenon and Oxium? You can farm that at the same time as this relic on Io, Jupiter. Meso K4’s have a ~14% drop chance for the first two rotations (extract at Wave 10) while at the same time Oxium Ospreys that spawn will drop Oxium, and all enemies on Jupiter have a chance to drop Hexenon on kill, making Io a great choice if you want to farm even more efficiently.

Maybe you need Orokin Cells instead? In that case, head over to Helene, Saturn, and extract every 10 waves. This will give you two ~14% chances for a Meso K4 to drop and any enemies killed on Saturn have a chance to drop Orokin cells.

Similar to the Neo N21 above, Meso P8’s can also be given as a reward for completing Captures on Ukko. This has a ~6.5% chance and runs can be completed in ~1 minute. This makes Ukko especially good if you need both of these relics, now you can farm them both at the same time.

So, what next?

When you think you’ve got enough of all these relics, you then need to open them. This is done in void fissure missions where you’ll kill corrupted enemies to earn reactant, then complete the mission to open a relic and get a random reward from its drop pool.

This is where its really beneficial to play with others, even just public matchmaking groups, you can kill quicker, spawn more enemies, complete the mission quicker AND then you can choose which reward you want out of all the opened relics.

After you’ve got all the parts you need for Khora Prime, you’ll be able to craft them.

Khora Prime crafting requirements

To be able to craft Khora Prime, you’ll need some materials, which you probably have at this point anyway.

Khora Prime Neuroptics:

  • 15,000 Credits
  • 4,975 Nano Spores
  • 1,100 Fieldron Samples
  • 600 Cryotic
  • 2 Argon Crystals

Khora Prime Chassis:

Khora Prime Systems:

  • 15,000 Credits
  • 3,800 Salvage
  • 1,250 Rubedo
  • 3 Neurodes
  • 2 Nitain Extract

Khora Prime:

  • 25,000 Credits
  • 1 Khora Prime Neuroptics
  • 1 Khora Prime Chassis
  • 1 Khora Prime Systems
  • 5 Orokin Cells

Build the three pieces (Neuroptics, Chassis and Systems) first, which will take 12 hours. From there you can build the actual Warframe using the Blueprint and the parts you just build. This will take a further 72 hours and on completion, will require a Warframe slot. If you don’t already have a free slot, you can get more by buying them on the market with plat, ranking up nightwave, or selling Warframes you don’t want.

Voila, one fresh Khora Prime.

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