Guide to Farming Plastids in Warframe: Tips and Top Spots

Hey there, Tenno! Looking to farm Plastids in Warframe? You’ve come to the right place.

Plastids are uncommon resources that are typically found in clusters of 10-30, excluding resource drop rate bonuses. They’re found on Saturn, Uranus, Phobos, Pluto, and Eris. So, the best places to farm Plastids are naturally on these planets. Let’s break down some of the top spots:

Top Plastid spots:

1. Saturn, Helene: This is a Defense mission, which means you’ll be fighting off waves of enemies. The more waves you complete, the more chances you have to get Plastids. Plus, you’ll also get a good amount of affinity, making it a great place to level up your Warframes and weapons for that sweet mastery XP.

2. Uranus, Ophelia: This is a Survival mission, so the longer you can last, the more Plastids you’ll get. It’s also a great place to farm Polymer Bundles, another resource that’s often in high demand. And a good place to sit and farm for Condition Overload if you need it.

3. Uranus, Ur: This Extermination mission is another good option. You’ll need a decent loadout to deal with the enemies, but you can get out of harm’s way quickly without worrying about an objective.

4. Pluto, Minthe: This Mobile Defense mission encourages you to spend lots of time running around the tileset, leading to more opportunities to farm Plastids. You’ll also pick up a lot of Rubedo, Morphics, Alloy Plates, and Fieldron Samples.

5. Pluto, Palus: This Survival mission is ideal for players looking to roam around and open lockers and crates, while killing enemies and looting their drops.

Plastid farming tips:

To really speed up the farm, use mods like Thief’s Wit, Loot Detector, Animal Instinct, or Primed Animal Instinct. This will make any resources appear as white boxes on your map whenever you get close, and will also help you find dedicated Plastid carapaces in missions. Destroying one of these will guarantee you at least 10-30 plastids every time. Which can of course be increased with boosters.

Alternatively, you can also simply run “endless” missions and spend a while exploring the tilesets and killing enemies. Enemies which have a chance to drop some Plastids on death. Combine this with something like Nekros Desecrate, Hydroid (and his Pilfering Swarm augment), or Khora (and her Pilfering Strangledome), or a Smeeta Kavat (with Charm equipped) to maximise the chances of getting a drop.

Here’s a more thorough breakdown of why these Warframes (and Smeeta) are useful to us for farming.

  • Nekros: Nekros is a Warframe known for his Desecrate ability. When activated, Desecrate forces fallen enemies around him to drop additional loot with a 54% chance. This essentially gives you a second chance to get Plastids from each enemy you defeat. The more enemies you kill, the more effective Desecrate becomes, making Nekros an excellent choice for farming missions with high enemy density.
  • Khora: Khora’s Strangledome ability creates a large dome of chains that captures and damages enemies. When combined with the Pilfering Strangledome augment, enemies killed within the Strangledome have a 65% chance to drop additional loot. This makes Khora a great choice for stationary missions like Defense or Survival where enemies will continuously come to you.
  • Hydroid: Hydroid’s Tentacle Swarm ability summons a group of tentacles that emerge from the ground, capturing and damaging enemies. When combined with the Pilfering Swarm augment, enemies captured by the tentacles drop additional loot when killed. This makes Hydroid another excellent choice for stationary missions, similar to Khora.
  • Smeeta Kavat: Smeeta Kavat is a type of companion in Warframe that can provide various buffs to its owner through its Charm ability. One of these buffs is a resource drop chance booster, which doubles the chance of resources dropping from enemies for a short period. This can significantly increase your Plastid farming efficiency. Additionally, another possible buff from Charm is a resource booster, which doubles the amount of resources you get from each drop. This means that when either of these buffs is active, you’ll be getting a lot more Plastids from each enemy you defeat.

By using these any of these Warframes and a Smeeta, you can significantly increase the amount of Plastids you get from each farming mission. Remember, the key to efficient farming is killing as many enemies as possible while these abilities are active/ with these abilities, so choose missions with high enemy density and try to kill enemies quickly and efficiently. Happy farming!
