About Me and my Warframe Journey:

Hi, I’m C and I’ve been an avid gamer since the PS2.

Warframe was one of the first games I downloaded after I got my first PC and Steam Account back in 2015. It was most definitely not an easy game to get into. Over the course of the next 3 years I would continue to dip in and out of Warframe; download the game, play for a bit, hit a wall, not touch the game for a good many months. But every time I found myself wondering what to play, Warframe was the one game that I always came back to.

Then, around Fortuna time, I hopped into my first Prime time stream and that was it, I’d discovered the Warframe Community and from there, would go on to sink >1000 hours into the game. I know that’s still new by a lot of people’s standards but I wouldn’t have even made it that far if it were not for the great community around the game.

It was wholly thanks to the Warframe Community, the Twitch Streamers, the Warframe subreddits, that I was able to really settle into the game and have a lot of fun doing it.

Point being, I fully understand how hard it is to get into Warframe, and unfortunately, that does turn many people off, but with a little guidance it’s totally possible and you can see just how much the game offers if you can break past that initial struggle.